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Aruba Barcadera

Location 12º29’N, 70º00’W
Time Zone GTM – 4 hrs.
Lightline 093º (from sea)
Dutch Chart 2715
Admiralty chart 1412, 702
PS 12º 29N 70º 002 W
Berth Length 350 meters
Direction Berth 115º (295º)
Distance Between Moorings 27 meters
Maximum Depth 9.75 meters (32’)
Turn circle: 300 meters
Maximum ship’s length 230* meters
Maximum ship length 225 meters
Maximum Depth 9.75 meters (32’)
Mooring: wide alongside dependency ships cranes location On port-side by arrival
Turning Only by daylight, with a maximum draft of 7.92 meters (26’)